Products & Rates

Sales Plans

FLOORPLANNERS ask Estate Agents to consider how frustrating it is for their clients and any potential purchasers, when valuable time is wasted because a property floor plan is not available prior to viewing.

A property may have the correct number and size of rooms required, but an unsuitable layout is recognized instantly on viewing. Considerable annoyance on all sides can be saved when floor plans are produced alongside property details.

Unfortunately this service was often restricted to only the largest and most expensive properties due to high costs applied by architects and surveyors.

FLOORPLANNERS is the company to solve this problem, we specialize in supplying floor plans for Estate Agents.

We understand the need for accurate layout and measurement details, produced at a sensible price, and quickly.

FLOORPLANNERS are now taking instructions from your competitors. This site features some sample plans of 2D plans. This service can help to attract additional new instructions to your office and ensure that you offer the best possible service available to your clients.

Lease Plans

Whilst in many ways all Lease Plans may look similar to Sales Plans, they are in fact produced in different formats.

Lease Plans are required when new leases are being granted when freehold properties are split into smaller units, or changes are made to existing properties. Lease Plans need to be drawn to a given scale and show the demised area, as well as any areas used for communal access or right of way. Lease Plans also need to be lodged with The Land Registry, and need to be copyright free.

We are able to provide suitable plans for this purpose.

Lease plans which identify the demised area allocated with the actual lease, also need to be attached to a local Ordnance Survey Map, if required this can be supplied as an additional service.

Sound Plans

Health and safety at work regulations are particularly stringent when it comes to noise regualtions.

Many industries have to ensure that workers are not exposed to excessive noise for long periods of time. As such the introduction of Noise Plans have become common in the work place. We are able to identify on a layout plan the noise levels experienced, this helps employers to ensure that employees are aware of the areas they can work in under these regulations.

Development Plans

We regularly get asked to provide plans for development projects of all sizes, such plans can be used by Estate Agents to attract sales.

We can also provide a service that would help developers decide on the best new layout when refurbishing or extending an older property.

Premises Plans

Since the introduction of new regulations under the Licensing Act 2003, it has been necessary for ALL applications for a Premises License to be accompanied by a plan of the premises.

Floorplanners understand the regulations, and know what symbols need to be added to these plans in order for them to be compliant.

Fire Escape Plans

There are many occasions where such plans are required, many public facilities, offices, hotels, bars and restaurants all need to display FEPs. Floorplanners are the right company to produce these on your behalf.

Photographic Services

In association with our team of Professional Photographers, we are able to supply a Full Marketing package.

Quality Interior and exterior images enable potential property purchasers to really get a feel for any property they may be considering.

We are also able to provide more aerial images, in areas where the use of drone photography is permitted.

Photographic Services can be supplied as a stand alone service or as part of a One Stop Service with Floorplans and EPCs.


Energy Performance Certificates .
Are now a legal requirement that need to be attached to the marketing details of many properties that are For Sale.
We are able to produce these for most properties that have been previously occupied.

Brand New Buildings are covered by different regulations called The Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP) which is a methodology introduced by the Government to assess and compare the energy and environmental performance of buildings to make sure that any new developments will not only meet Building Regulations, but also all energy and environmental policy initiatives.
These should be provided by the original developer.


Such a difficult subject, money, we would like to say that we do it just for love, but the Bank Manager will just not allow it.

The rate we would quote would depend on the end use of the plan needed.
As well as depending on whether the plan is needed by an Estate Agent for Sales particulars, or by a Landlord or Developer for Lease registration.

Plans for Solicitors for any legal application would be priced according to the size and complexity of the instruction received.

In addition to this, as with any other business the ability to bulk buy achieves a better rate.

We operate with Single Instruction, Multiple Instruction and Contract Rates.

Call us now to establish how your planning needs, match our professional service.

The Copyright on all plans is held by Floorplanners, copyright can be released by negotiation.

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